Saturday, May 11, 2013

Voting is Open Again! Go Vote Now!!!

Voting is now closed. Thank you everyone that participated.


Didn't see any new post from Christina, but Mama's Minis blog announced that voting has resumed, so I'll take her word for it.

You have until 8. Vote! Vote! Vote!
I still have to, too (it shouldn't be this difficult, but it is).

Again, here is my entry, >>>The Steampunk House<<<, if you missed it.

And Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms out there!


  1. Sorry about that Kyle, I added it as an update to the same post. I sent some emails out about it, but yours came back to me as an invalid address after the fact. :(

    1. Wasn't a big deal, my concern was only that it was just another glitch, but I figured someone would let me know if I was posting the wrong info. XD

      And right after posting, I did get message from a reader letting me know that you added an update, so I did get the message.
