Sunday, October 14, 2012

Stuff Just Happens Sometimes

Last week, I went out with some of my family to volunteer at a fall event over at a nature center we frequent (I'll name drop when I have a better story about the place). Unfortunately, this time around, volunteering involved sitting out in the rain, for 3 hours, at night with the temp 36°F (that's 2.22°C) and falling. We were under a tent and I had mittens, but it was still cold/wet and my feet were numb by the time we were done(and there was ice on the car). Hunky Dory, if you read my blog posts-I stand by my statement that I'm not looking forward to winter. (<- This is all foreshadowing, btw)

The nature center is kind of far from our house, but it's also closer to Letchworth State park than our house is. So since it was peak weekend for the fall leaves, we stayed the night in a hotel and then spent Columbus Day enjoying a walk along "The Grand Canyon of the East".

  Most people I meet online think, 'city', when I say I'm from New York.

 I think that's funny.

 So then we came back home, where I spent a few days helping around the house/decorating for Halloween, and then...that 3 hour, rainy freezefest caught up with me. Well to be fair, I spent Thursday morning tearing the rest of the old wallpaper out of the Van Buren, but by the afternoon I was side-lined by a cold. And then the universe seemed to get on board, our wi-fi died for a couple days. And the house cleaning meant my work area ended up being packed away for a while. AND every time I tried working on more polymer clay minis for the Etsy shop, the oven was occupied. So basically, all I did for a couple days was sleep. That's probably why this cold is going away so fast, but I've been pretty bored (doesn't happen much). I'll just call it a trade-off and enjoy not having a sore throat anymore.

Last night after everyone was done working in the kitchen, I commandeered the table and oven, to try and catch up on my minis(now that I feel better). I also got a little distracted/inspired by the basket of gourds my mom had out for decoration, so I made some mini gourds which I'll show those off once I photograph them.

It's kind of been a lousy week, but hey,
I got some awesome photos to show for it, right?

(Edit: Before I forget; What I'm  assuming is the conclusion to the, "I'm a Giant", challenge.  Thank you, Mini Dork!)

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